Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Challenging Behaviour
If you are experiencing challenging behaviour at home with your child, we highly recommend exploring the collaborate proactive solution (CPS) approach devised by Dr Ross Greene. More information about CPS can be found on the Lives in the Balance website or you can read Dr Ross Greene's book 'The Explosive Child'. Copies of this book are available via the SEND library that Mrs Gandy is responsible for. Please contact Mrs Gandy on if you would like to loan a copy.
Mental Health
Mental health in young children is becoming of increasing concern following the global pandemic. If you would like to support your child's mental health, there are lots of resources available below. If you have concerns regarding your child's mental health, please do speak to your child's class teacher or the SENDCo, Mrs Gandy.
Children's Mental Health Week 2023 As part of Children's mental health week 2023, a specific website has been set up to collates some fantastic resources that you can use to support your child's mental health.
- You're Never Too Young to Talk About Mental Health
- 7 Ways to Support Children and Young People Who are Worried
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services Helping with emotional wellbeing and mental health. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) are an NHS service that aims to help young people up to the age of 18 who are finding it hard to manage their emotional and psychological health, and who are suffering with acute, chronic and severe mental health problems.
- Young Minds
- Place2Be
- Mind
Happy Maps Mental Health website