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Our Curriculum

Our curriculum across the school ensures learning is effective, exciting and above all, relevant to the needs of our children.

As a Rights Respecting school, our curriculum is underpinned by the Unicef Charter for the Rights of the Child and our School Learning Values of Independence, Resilience, Respect, Creativity, Team-Work and Aspiration.

We intend for all pupils to secure firm foundations in English and Mathematics and this will underpin a growing excellence in other subjects. Our topic-led and knowledge and skills based curriculum offers a broad range of subjects through Early Years and Key Stage 1.

We believe in bringing learning to life, both indoors and out, with an emphasis on engaging and purposeful learning.  We aim to provide trips and visits to improve learning outside the classroom and to create links between learning and fun for our children. We want the learning gained from these to be invaluable and to help our children develop an understanding about the world in which we live.  We welcome visitors to school to share their skills and knowledge and to broaden the children’s experiences. 

While importance is placed on children learning core skills of English and Maths, we place great value on developing the “whole child” through a broad and engaging curriculum.  We want our children to be confident individuals who are able to lead safe, happy, healthy and fulfilling lives.

Our teachers involved in each year group plan and work closely together. We believe that teamwork is a very important feature of our school.  

Planning is based upon the National Curriculum and covered through relevant and well-planned, half-termly topics.  Each topic has a particular subject focus but will involve work from more than one curriculum area.  For example, when studying Victorians, the subject focus is History but the topic will also involve D.T, Art, Science and Music.  Topics are also used to develop the skills, knowledge, understanding and attitudes necessary for effective learning.  An overview of what children will be learning each term is available on our website.

At the end of each term we review work done in order to plan effectively for future work and to ensure that all areas of the curriculum are given necessary balance and studied for a reasonable amount of time.

The Early Years Curriculum

The first year of school is the foundation stage.  This prepares children for the National Curriculum which begins in Year 1.  Daily activities in the foundation stage cover three prime and four specific areas of learning and are taught through topics.

Prime areas of learning: Specific areas of learning:
Personal, social and emotional development.  Literacy
Communication and language Mathematics
Physical development Understanding the world
Expressive Arts and Design  

Well planned play will be instrumental in ensuring children learn with enjoyment and challenge during the foundation stage.

The National Curriculum      

All children in Year 1 and Year 2 study the following curriculum areas:

  • English
  • Computing
  • Science
  • Music
  • Design Technology – DT
  • History
  • Physical Education – PE
  • Art
  • Geography
  • Religious Education – RE
  • Personal, Development Learning – PDL
  • Relationships and Health Education – RHEd
  • Mathematics
  • Rights, Respect and Responsibility

Home Learning

Children have a home/school diary, which should be used to record work completed at home.  Throughout the school children are encouraged to bring their reading books home daily.  Spelling homework is introduced in Year 1.   Children are also given mathematics activities to complete at home. 

A range of on-line resources can be used to enhance learning at home.  They will be introduced to the children throughout the year.  User names and passwords are given to the children in the form of a sticker and put in the front of their diaries.


More detailed information about our curriculum can be found here.