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Curriculum Plans

  Autumn 1 Autumn 2
Topic All About Me Awesome Autumn!
Key Texts

Super Duper You!

Someone Bigger

Handa’s Surprise

Starting School

Once There Were Giants

Sunday Blues

Oliver’s Vegetables

Gruff the Grump

The Christmas Story

The Very Last Leaf

Leaf Man

British Value Democracy Individual Liberty
Learning Value

Imelda the Independent Iguana

Ramona the Resilient Rhino
  Prime Areas of Learning  
Communication and Language

I can participate in speaking and listening activities.

I can listen to others and respond to their questions and ideas.

I am beginning raise my hand to speak and take turns in conversation.

I can use language with puppets and small world toys.

I can use language in role play.

I can recite nursery rhymes and  these poems and songs:

Clumsy Clementina

Big Red Combine Harvester

Fruit Salad

I can take turns in a conversation.

I am good at listening to others.

I can explain my ideas and feelings.

I can raise my hand and wait to speak.

I can re-enact a scene using puppets and small world toys.

I can organise my language in role play.

I can retell and sign The Three Billy Goats Gruff.

I can recite nursery rhymes and  these poems:

Bonfire Food

Puddles, Umbrellas and Rain

I Wish I Was a Centipede

Physical Development

I can join in circle games.

I can ride bicycles and scooters.

I can dance.

I enjoy manipulating playdough in a variety of ways.

I can build with construction toys.

I can hold a pencil correctly and am developing control.

I am developing my cutting skills.

I am learning to skip.

I can join in parachute games.

I am developing an awareness of space.

I can join in circle games.

I can confidently ride bicycles and scooters.

I can follow instructions when dancing.

I enjoy manipulating playdough in a variety of ways.

I can build with construction toys.

I can hold a pencil correctly and am developing control.

I can form some letters correctly.

I am improving my control when using scissors. 

I am learning to skip.

I can join in parachute games.

I am developing my ball skills.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

I am getting to know my new classmates.

I can talk about my likes and dislikes.

I can talk about how I have grown and changed and what I am good at.

I can talk about School and British Values.

I can contribute ideas for our Class Charter.

I can fasten my coat.

I am developing my friendship skills.

I can explain my likes and dislikes.

I can talk about my feelings.   

I can share my ideas in P4C.

I can talk about my rights and responsibilities.

I can talk about our Class Charter.

I can fasten my Winter coat.

I can talk about the need for good hygiene.

  Specific Areas of Learning  

I enjoy sharing books and listening to stories.

I can read the character names and begin to learn my key words.

I can share my first reading scheme books.

I can learn the sounds for s a t p i and n.

I can make some letter shapes in the sand and with playdough.

I am learning my key words.

I am learning sounds and digraphs.

I can blend some sounds to build words.

I can identify sounds to read words.

I can form the letters for the sounds.

I am becoming a more confident reader.

I love listening to stories, joining in when I can and predicting what might happen next.


I enjoy reciting and enacting number rhymes.

I use numbers in my play.

I can count objects using 1:1 correspondence.

I can make sets of numbers.

I can talk about ‘more’ and ‘less’.

I am beginning to recognise numbers. 

I can read o’clock times.

I can write some large numbers in the sand and make them with playdough.

I am beginning to learn the days of the week, always starting with Sunday.

I can use cups to add digits to 10.

I can count forwards and backwards from different starting points.

I can shop and make amounts using 1p coins.

I can compare different objects according to weight and measure.

I am developing my number formation.

I am learning the months of the year and half past times.

Understanding the World

I can compare myself as a baby with myself now.

I can talk about my home and family.

I can talk about healthy eating and taste different fruits.

I can talk about how my senses keep me informed.

I can talk about Harvest and share a Harvest Service with the vicar from St Marks Church.

I can enjoy Welly walks around the school, to choose our tree and to talk about the seasonal changes.

I can explore and find out what a Beebot does.   

I can talk about animal habitats around the school.

I can talk about the changes I have noticed in our environment.

I can make a fruit salad.

I can talk about how to be healthy.

I can plant a crocus and talk about what it needs to grow.

I can talk about the Christmas story through the Hampshire RE unit.

I can talk about how our tree is changing.

I can control a Beebot and make it go where I want it to.

Expressive Arts and Design

I can look carefully at myself and paint a self-portrait.

I enjoy exploring pattern and colour using paint, pencils, playdough, toys and objects.

I can paint fruit and vegetables.

I enjoy craft and constructing.

I enjoy exploring cutting, sticking and joining.

I can print using objects.

I can sing Big Red Combine Harvester.

I can explore musical instruments.

I enjoy drumming.

 I can share my ideas for roleplay and enjoy playing my part.

I can use printing and embellishing skills to create a fireworks painting.

I can stitch a Christmas stocking.

I can paint and draw Percy’s friends.

I can cut, join and build at the craft table.

I can explain my choice of resources.

I can choose resources to make Christmas decorations.

I can use objects to print a Christmas card.

I can talk about my choice of musical instruments.

I can sing songs with my friends.


  Spring 1 Spring 2
Topic People Who Help Us Let's Grow
Key Texts

Hair Love

The Hospital Dog

A Superhero Like You


The Detective Dog

Good Night, Good Night, Construction Site

The Enormous Turnip

The Little Red Hen

Oliver’s vegetables – Vivian French

The Tiny Seed – Eric Carle

Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring – Kenard Pak

Planting a Rainbow – Lois Ehlert

The Curious Garden – Peter Brown

How to catch the Easter Bunny – Adam Wallace

British Value Mutual Respect Tolerance
Learning Value Respect


  Prime Areas of Learning Prime Areas of Learning
Communication and Language

I can take turns in a conversation, listening and responding.

I am good at listening to others and can ask questions.

I can name and explain my feelings.

I can raise my hand and wait to speak.

I can re-enact a scene using puppets and small world toys.

I can use topic-related language in role play.

I can retell and sign The Enormous Turnip.

I can recite stories, nursery rhymes and  these poems:

Miss Polly had a Dolly

I’m a Firefighter

I’m a Policeman

I can take turns in a conversation, listening and responding.

I am good at listening to others and can ask questions.

I can name and explain my feelings.

I can raise my hand and wait to speak.

I can re-enact a scene using puppets and small world toys.

I can use topic-related language in role play.

I can retell and sign The Little Red Hen.

I can recite stories, nursery rhymes and  these poems:

Physical Development

I can confidently ride bicycles and scooters.

I can follow instructions when dancing.

I can combine actions and steps to form a dance sequence.

I can build with construction toys, refining and adapting my designs accordingly.

I can hold a pencil correctly and continue to develop control.

I continue to develop my control when using scissors. 

I am learning to skip.

I can join in parachute games.

I am developing my throwing and catching skills.

I can confidently ride bicycles and scooters.

I can follow instructions when doing Yoga.

I can combine positions to create a sequence.

I can build with construction toys, refining and adapting my designs accordingly.

I can hold a pencil correctly and continue to develop control.

I continue to develop my control when using scissors. 

I am learning to skip.

I can join in parachute games.

I am developing my kicking and passing skills.

Personal Development

I can talk about the qualities of a good friend.

I can set myself a goal and talk about how I plan to achieve it.

I can name and talk about my feelings.   

I can share my ideas in P4C.

I can talk about my rights and responsibilities.

I can talk about our Class Charter.

I can talk about the need for good hygiene.

I can talk about the qualities of a good friend.

I can set myself a goal and talk about how I plan to achieve it.

I can name and talk about my feelings.   

I can share my ideas in P4C.

I can talk about my rights and responsibilities.

I can talk about our Class Charter.

I can talk about the need for good hygiene, including keeping my teeth clean.

  Specific Areas of Learning Specific Areas of Learning

I am learning my key words.

I am learning sounds and digraphs.

I can blend some sounds and digraphs to build words.

I can identify sounds to read words.

I am becoming a more confident reader.

I can form some letters correctly.

I can form a simple sentence.

I can write a simple sentence.

I am learning my key words.

I am learning sounds and digraphs.

I can blend some sounds and digraphs to build words.

I can identify sounds to read words.

I am becoming a more confident reader.

I can form some letters correctly.

I can form a simple sentence.

I can write a simple sentence.


I can use cups to add and subtract digits within 10.

I can count forwards and backwards from different starting points.

I can shop and make amounts using coins.

I can compare different objects according to weight and measure.

I can estimate amounts.

I am developing my number formation.

I am learning the months of the year and half past times.

I can use cups to add and subtract digits within 10.

I can count forwards and backwards from different starting points.

I can shop and make amounts using coins.

I can compare different objects according to weight and measure.

I can estimate amounts.

I am developing my number formation.

I am learning the months of the year and half past times.

I can say ways of making a number (number bonds).

I can subitise numbers to 5.

Understanding the World

I can identify and talk about people who help us in our community.

I can talk about how my family help me.

I can enjoy Welly walks around the school, to observe our tree and to talk about the seasonal changes.

I can talk about the importance of water and why it is precious.

I can log on to a computer in school.

I can talk about Chinese New Year celebrations.

I can make a pancake.

I can identify and talk about people who help us in our community.

I can talk about how my family help me.

I can enjoy Welly walks around the school, to observe our tree and to talk about the seasonal changes.

I can talk about the importance of water and why it is precious.

I can log on to a computer in school.

I can talk about Easter celebrations.

I can make a pancake.

Expressive Arts and Design

I enjoy exploring pattern and colour using paint, pencils, playdough, toys and objects.

I enjoy exploring cutting, sticking and joining.

I can make a peg person.

I can explore musical instruments.

I can hold a steady beat.

I can learn to sing “Chinese Lanterns.”

I can identify and talk about people who help us in our community.

I can talk about how my family help me.

I can enjoy Welly walks around the school, to observe our tree and to talk about the seasonal changes.

I can talk about the importance of water and why it is precious.

I can log on to a computer in school.

I can talk about Easter celebrations.

I can make a pancake.


  Summer 1 Summer 2
Topic Bears, Bears, Bears!

Pirates, Mermaids and Under the Sea

Key Texts

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Old bear

Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do you see?

Peace at Last

Whatever Next

We’re going on a bear hunt!

10 Little Pirates

What the Ladybird Heard on Holiday

The Singing Mermaid

Pirates Love Underpants


Commotion in the Ocean

British Value Rule of Law I Really Do Matter (Revisit all values)
Learning Value Creativity Aspiration
  Prime Areas of Learning Prime Areas of Learning
Communication and Language

I can take turns in a conversation, listening and responding.

I am good at listening to others and can ask questions.

I can name and explain my feelings.

I can raise my hand and wait to speak.

I can re-enact a scene using puppets and small world toys.

I can use topic-related language in role play.

I can retell and sign Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

I can recite stories, nursery rhymes and  these poems: The train ride, My Teddy Bear, Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear, Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear.

I can take turns in a conversation, listening and responding.

I am good at listening to others and can ask questions.

I can name and explain my feelings.

I can raise my hand and wait to speak.

I can re-enact a scene using puppets and small world toys.

I can use topic-related language in role play.

I can retell and sign The Three Billy Goats Gruff

I can recite stories, nursery rhymes and  these poems: The waves in the sea, Once I saw and octopus, If you’re a pirate and you know it, 5 little pirates,

Physical Development

I can confidently ride bicycles and scooters.

I can follow instructions when doing Gymnastics.

I can combine positions to create a sequence.

I can build with construction toys, refining and adapting my designs accordingly.

I can hold a pencil correctly and continue to develop control.

I continue to develop my control when using scissors. 

I am learning to skip.

I can join in parachute games.

I am developing my running and throwing skills.

I can confidently ride bicycles and scooters.

I can follow instructions when doing dance.

I can combine positions to create a sequence.

I can build with construction toys, refining and adapting my designs accordingly.

I can hold a pencil correctly and continue to develop control.

I continue to develop my control when using scissors. 

I am learning to skip.

I can join in parachute games.

I am developing my passing and kicking skills.

Personal Development

I can talk about the qualities of a good friend.

I can set myself a goal and talk about how I plan to achieve it.

I can name and talk about my feelings.   

I can share my ideas in P4C.

I can talk about my rights and responsibilities.

I can talk about our Class Charter.

I can talk about the need for good hygiene, including keeping my teeth clean.

I can talk about the qualities of a good friend.

I can set myself a goal and talk about how I plan to achieve it.

I can name and talk about my feelings.   

I can share my ideas in P4C.

I can talk about my rights and responsibilities.

I can talk about change and moving up.

I can talk about the need for good hygiene, including keeping my teeth clean.

  Specific Areas of Learning Specific Areas of Learning

I am learning my key words.

I am learning sounds and digraphs.

I can blend some sounds and digraphs to build words.

I can identify sounds to read words.

I am becoming a more confident reader.

I can form some letters correctly.

I can form a simple sentence.

I can write a simple sentence.

I am learning my key words.

I am learning sounds and digraphs.

I can blend some sounds and digraphs to build words.

I can identify sounds to read words.

I am becoming a more confident reader.

I can form some letters correctly.

I can form a simple sentence.

I can write a simple sentence.


I can use cups to add and subtract digits within 10.

I can count forwards and backwards from different starting points.

I can shop and make amounts using coins.

I can compare different objects according to weight and measure.

I can estimate amounts.

I am developing my number formation.

I am learning the months of the year and half past times.

I can say ways of making a number (number bonds).

I can subitise numbers to 10.

I can use cups or number line to add and subtract digits beyond 10.

I can count forwards and backwards from different starting points.

I can shop and make amounts using coins.

I can compare different objects according to weight and measure.

I can estimate amounts.

I am developing my number formation.

I am learning the months of the year and half past times.

I can say ways of making a number (number bonds).

I can subitise numbers to 10.

I can double and half numbers and objects.

I can solve number problems.  

Understanding the World

I can identify and talk about people who help us in our community.

I can talk about how my family help me.

I can enjoy Welly walks around the school, to observe our tree and to talk about the seasonal changes.

I can talk about others beliefs and cultures.

I can log on to a computer in school.

I can talk about what a plant needs to grow.

I can work with others to grow vegetables.

I can identify and talk about people who help us in our community.

I can talk about how my family help me.

I can enjoy Welly walks around the school, to observe our tree and to talk about the seasonal changes.

I can talk about others beliefs and cultures.

I can log on to a computer in school.

I can talk about what a plant needs to grow.

I can work with others to grow vegetables.

Expressive Arts and Design

I enjoy exploring pattern and colour using paint, pencils, playdough, toys and objects.

I can sketch an object from what I can see.

I enjoy exploring cutting, sticking and joining.

I can make a split pin bear.

I can explore musical instruments.

I can hold a steady beat.

I can create a junk model, combining materials to create a planned effect.

I enjoy exploring pattern and colour using paint, pencils, playdough, toys and objects.

I can sketch an object from what I can see.

I enjoy exploring cutting, sticking and joining.

I can make a clay sculpture.

I can explore musical instruments.

I can hold a steady beat.

I can create a junk model, combining materials to create a planned effect.